MeCAD Representatives visited the campus on 17th and 18th February to showcase their new range of Dassault and Altair products as the local resellers. The AEDG Team spent most of Friday installing the 3DExperience platform onto the Lab computers.
MeCAD are the local support representatives nowfor both Dassault and Altair products, and, as the AEDG have several years of experience in Altair products as well as SolidWorks being our CAD platform of choice, the two days we spent catching up, as well as hosting several sessions for Engineering academics looking for specific needs.
A showcase session was held for interested staff members to show the new 3DExperience collaborative environment, which the AEDG Team would be adopting as their new default environment.
This was installed onto the Lab desktops and laptops on Friday with the team members slotting into its use in fairly quick time.